Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CELLS- Pretty much everything is made out of cells! A cell is a        
                 microscopic structure that is the basic structural unit of
               - Cells come in all shapes. Depending from where they
                  are from, for example: red blood cells are round and look
                  like dounuts on the other hand plants cells from plants
                  are more square shaped.
              - Cells are like mini organisms themselves. This is because
                  they have things inside them called organelles.
                    1) cytoskeleton- A protein chain that criss- crosses the
                       whole cell serving a wide-range of functions.
                    2) nucleus- its the motherboard of the cell. It tells the
                        cell what to do and also stores the DNA.
                    3) endoplasmic reticulum(ER)- it produces protein
                        and lipids and sometimes has ribosomes attached.
                    4) ribosome- bean-shaped organelles that make proteins.
                    5) Golgi- apparatus- it packages products from the ER
                       and the ribosomes and sends them out of the cell.
                    6) vesicle- small membrane- bound sacs that divide
                    7) mitochondrion- the power house of the cell, it
                        transforms sugar to ATP, which is a type of energy cells
                     8) vacuole- storage for the cell that contains any material that
                         the cell might need later on.
                     9) lysosomes- a organelle that contains enzymes to defend
                         the cell from bacteria and viruses.
                    10) centriole- assistance when the cell divides
                    11) cell wall- a wall that give plant cells protection, support, and
                          shape to the cell.
                    12) chloroplasts- to make photosynthesis happen.
DNA- DNA basically what makes you, YOU! Its inside every nucleus of 
                 your euarkaryotic cells.
            - Inside every DNA there is genetic and hereditary information
            DNA has a very unique design to it, it looks like a twisted ladder
               and that's why it is called like that and it is also called a double
            - The two backbones of the DNA structure are made from sugar 
                and phosphate molecules.
            - The bases in the middle and made out of nitrogen and there is
                four kinds of them.
             a) Adenine
                                        > Pyrimidines = Single Ring
                    b) Cytosine

               c) Thymine
                                        >Purines = Double Ring
               d) Guanine
            - These four nitrogen bases don't just bond with each other in 
                 random order, they only pair with a certain other base.
              a) Adenine pairs with Thymine and with no other 
                   b) Cytosine pairs with Guanine and with no other 
             There are many important people that take part with the history
                 of DNA.
           - First there is Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase. What they did 
                 is confirm that DNA was genetic material.
            - Second, there is Rosalind Franklin. What she discovered how
                 DNA looked when she took a x-ray picture of it.
            - The final two were Francis Crick and James Watson. What they
                did was build the first model of DNA out of metal and wood.