Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CELLS- Pretty much everything is made out of cells! A cell is a        
                 microscopic structure that is the basic structural unit of
               - Cells come in all shapes. Depending from where they
                  are from, for example: red blood cells are round and look
                  like dounuts on the other hand plants cells from plants
                  are more square shaped.
              - Cells are like mini organisms themselves. This is because
                  they have things inside them called organelles.
                    1) cytoskeleton- A protein chain that criss- crosses the
                       whole cell serving a wide-range of functions.
                    2) nucleus- its the motherboard of the cell. It tells the
                        cell what to do and also stores the DNA.
                    3) endoplasmic reticulum(ER)- it produces protein
                        and lipids and sometimes has ribosomes attached.
                    4) ribosome- bean-shaped organelles that make proteins.
                    5) Golgi- apparatus- it packages products from the ER
                       and the ribosomes and sends them out of the cell.
                    6) vesicle- small membrane- bound sacs that divide
                    7) mitochondrion- the power house of the cell, it
                        transforms sugar to ATP, which is a type of energy cells
                     8) vacuole- storage for the cell that contains any material that
                         the cell might need later on.
                     9) lysosomes- a organelle that contains enzymes to defend
                         the cell from bacteria and viruses.
                    10) centriole- assistance when the cell divides
                    11) cell wall- a wall that give plant cells protection, support, and
                          shape to the cell.
                    12) chloroplasts- to make photosynthesis happen.

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